Monday, February 1, 2010

From the mouths of babes/Save me a seat.


The first part of today’s entry involves a simple but absolute decree from the lips of daughter #1, “Daddy, I wanna rock.” I had no idea how to respond. I have never used this kind of phraseology around the offspring, and had no way of knowing what she actually wanted to do. I asked her to repeat herself, “I wanna rock, Daddy.” (Dee Snyder would be proud)

“Ok. That’s great sweetie,” I proudly replied at hearing this profound and spontaneous declaration, “…right now?” I asked.

“Well…not today,” she lilted in only that way that an adorable 2½- year-old can. My wife and I instantly erupted in laughter at this exchange.

You see daughter #1 has a fondness for Bill Haley & the Comet’s songs; the majority of which have the term ROCK in the title of the song and/or the choruses of said songs. Rock-a-beatin̒ Boogie being her current favorite song in the Comet’s catalog, (the first line of which is “Rock! Rock! Rock everybody!”) I can understand how she would have this term in her youthful lexicon. However, I am not quite sure how she decided to let her need to rock to be known to all that were within ear shot?


After much back and forth with my lovely bride about upgrading our old-but-reliable eyesore of a workhorse television, we finally came to a peace accord. The 17-year-old, 27-inch set that lasted me from the final years of my high school career and throughout the wide array of residences I went through prior to buying our home, has finally been replaced. Not just replaced, but surpassed by a spectacular 52 inch, 240 Hz LCD display that is now mounted to the wall in the basement of our home.

I am in love with this television, and I don’t care what you may think about me having such an affinity for such an extravagant luxury item. It is quite simply--exquisite. I am not a huge connoisseur of sporting events, but the size and quality of picture on this TV makes it feel as though you are actually in the events that your are viewing. But in my self-induced urgency to get the television up and running (for the Super Bowl), I failed to mull over the logistical aspects of the newly created theatre room.

The current floor plan of our home requires all four of us to have our sleeping stations in the basement. Technically, we have 2 bedrooms upstairs, but one is a dedicated office/junkroom, and the other is in a disastrous state of disarray at the moment. This in addition to the fact that we are not ready to have either of our little princesses sleeping alone on a separate level of the home from us has created the current subterranean close quarters.

The room that houses the newly acquired TV of monolithic proportions is in the same space as daughter #2’s crib. Initially I joked, (speaking in a baby tone) “Daddy’s putting a giant TV in my room so that I can watch cartoons all night.” Little did I know that there would be a counter truth to this jocularity…

Daughter #2 typically goes to sleep around 8 pm each evening. I don’t typically get home from the office until around 7:30 pm. Using high level mathematics you can see that this only allows for a 30 minute window to utilize the new medium of viewing pleasure. My hope is that I would be able continue to catch up on my DVR’ed programs while #2 was drifting off to sleep as I have done previously with the old telly. But this can no longer take place. I unfortunately did not take into account that since the new television encompasses the entire wall on which it resides; thereby, creating a gigantic intrusive glow that prevents #2 from going to sleep. She actually pulls herself up to the corner of her crib to peruse what perfumed turd NBC has lined up for the evening, cooing and giggling at the pretty bright lights.

I'm thinking that I might move the television to the upstairs bathroom. This will give me the intimate home theatre that I have been longing to have. Seating for one...?